Friday, August 13, 2010

"Well, Lois, If You Must Know, I Find It Shallow and Pedantic"

"'Hello, Robert,' Harvey said. 'I was just telling Jake here that you're a moron.'"  -- Page 50

I like this Harvey guy.  Way more than I like Jake and Brett and Cohn, at least.  In some respects, he's the perfect representation of what Jake wants to be (I said in some respects).  Sure, he mooches off his friends for drinks and gambling money, but at least he speaks his mind.  It's obvious by this point that Jake's hatred of Cohn is a pure, fiery hot mass of unstoppable and rampant flames, but Cohn calls him his best friend!  Ha!

Also, I hate Frances.  I mean, I guess I feel slightly bad for her, but she definitely had it coming.  And now, Cohn is obsessed with Brett and couldn't give a second thought to Frances.  It's all so shallow in my humble opinion.  Jake leaves the couple at the end of the chapter, signifying that once again he is traveling to solve his problems.  This is rather contradictory and hypocritical if you ask me, because if you'll remember for a moment Jake told Cohn “You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another" in Chapter II.  Yikes.

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