Thursday, December 2, 2010

U.G.L.Y. You Ain't Got No Alibi

This story, "You're Ugly, Too", by Lorrie Moore was in my opinion the hardest of the week to get.  The main character, Zoe Hendricks, is likable enough, and her crazy antics as a history professor reminded me of Mrs. Helbing and her style as a teacher.  It also kind of made me want to be that crazy professor when I grow up; that would be fun.  During the entirety of the story, Zoe satirizes and jokes about her life and those in it, at the expense of her sanity.  She loses a man she potentially had a connection with when she jokingly tries to push him off of a twenty-story balcony.  That part was a little confusing to me.  When searching for meaning within this story, I kept coming back to Zoe's insecurities about the way she looks.  The narrator at one point mentions her as always being on the fringe of almost pretty.  The final line has Zoe wondering how she looks, and all the in between parts make subtle references to beauty: Heidi (whoever she is), the black witches, the women who men flirt with in front of her, etc.  Just a very confusing piece as a whole for me.  I really look forward to clarifying some of it in class, and will probably read others' blogs to scrap up some other thoughts and opinions.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that it was the toughest, but also the most entertaining....funny how that works.
